Technology-Enabled Learning: iPOD

A Common Technology Tool

with Unique Uses


An Apple iPod is a common technology tool that my elementary age students are familiar with utilizing when outside of the classroom.  Due to its size and mobility, this particular tool would be extremely useful in the library and in a regular classroom.


First, I love the notion of using the iPod as creating a virtual field trip for my students.  Discovery Education provides virtual field trips to John Deere and Madden NFL which help bring some practical elements (sports and farming are surrounding the students in our area) that bring to life careers and perspectives on those careers that aren’t open initially when you think of working at such places.

A second site to use for curated virtual field trip links is from Common Sense Media these are annotated websites that also state whether the field trip is free or paid for.  I loved this site, and thought it a great way to utilize the iPod as a tool for our students.  This is a versatile service that would enable us to help create unique experiences for our classroom students based on the content the teacher needs covered.  So, a nice, collaborative educational experience that would enable our students to travel without having the hassle of finding funding to leave their area.



Second, WeVideo is a tool where my students can make great use of our green screen kit, and create their own book trailers, book talks, readers theater dramatizations, and morning news show with an easy to use, interactive format.  It does cost money, but at $93 a year for a subscription, it is manageable.

Although the iPod is a common technology tool, there are uses that can be performed in the classroom in a familiar format for our students so there is little adjustment, and it is open to intuitive use.  This tool adheres to the pedagogical perspective listed in Kearney’s (2012) article for creating mobile learning that emphasizes authenticity, collaboration, and personalization.  Discovery Education would provide authentic field trip experiences for my students, while WeVideo would enable the students to create collaborative and personalized technology to share with their peers.

Thankfully, the technology has been around long enough that there are a vast amount of applications available to help our students in a variety of ways.  The iPod can be used to help with the Pixar in a Box storytelling features, too, so it’s a versatile tool that can be handled by our smallest users.  Definitely an item that I would love to incorporate in my library as a station for my users.

What I appreciated in this week’s readings, though, was mentioned in the Green (2014) article is that the technology leadership role was to help classroom teachers create authentic and unique technology-enabled learning experiences (42).


Discovery Education Virtual Field Trips.  Discovery Education.  (2018).  Retrieved from

Green, L. S. (2014).  Through the looking glass:  examining technology in school librarianship.  Knowledge Quest.  43(1).  pp. 37-43.

Kearney, M. and Schuck, S., Burden, K., and Aubusson, P.   (2012).  Viewing mobile learning from a pedagogical perspective.  Research in Learning Technology. 20.  14406 – doi:  10.3402/rlt.v20i0.14406.

Pixar in a Box | Partner content |Khan Academy. (2017). Retrieved from


Virtual Field Trip Apps and Websites.  Common Sense Media for Educators.  (2018).  Retrieved from

Online video editor for web, mobile, windows, & mac.  WeVideo. (2018)  Retrieved from

Unboxing Technology Fun with Cathy Knutson

Introducing Today’s Special Guest:

Cathy Knutson, Digital Literacy Specialist

Meet Cathy Knutson, a Teacher-Librarian/ “newly” minted Digital Literacy Specialist from Lakeville, MN who runs a rather fun (and quirky) blog called, “Technology Loose in the Library…and around the school!”

The blog is an interesting mix of classroom teacher collaborations with technology in classroom projects along with a teacher newsletter of new technology that can be useful to help students create their own classroom content.

An Elementary Technology Literacy Blog

The Fun Tech Tool:

Available through Khan Academy

This website is a wonderful tool especially with their “The Art of Storytelling” section that guides students through the methods used by Pixar when creating and pitching stories they want to bring to life.  Considering I like to use the Pixar vignettes to help teach my students story structure, I am eager to see what I can utilize for my primary grade students in helping bring their own stories to life.


What is a Digital Literacy Specialist?

A growing trend across the nation has begun by re-vamping what it means to be a school library media specialist, and along with that is coming a new job title:  Digital Literacy Specialist.

Cathy Knutson’s school district is one of many nationwide that is taking what media specialists used to do, and giving it a new dimension with a greater focus on effective technology use and classroom collaboration.  An article in School Administrator, an AASA publication, states:

Recognizing the importance of school media centers and school-based library media specialists to the success of students today, the Mobile County, Ala., Public Schools launched a project last fall to transform the school system’s library media specialists into digital leaders, coaches and collaborative partners who work with students, teachers and school leaders to ensure appropriate technology is woven throughout the curriculum. (Turner & White, 2015)

Our articles this week focused on the importance of the teacher-librarian being a technology leader.  The shift of Cathy Knutson from a Teacher-Librarian to a Digital Literacy Specialist highlights how the definition at the district/ administration level has changed for what has been an ambiguously defined role for the teacher-librarian (Johnston, 2012).  As teacher-librarians, it has been our role to collaborate with other professionals:  teachers, administrators, and technology instructors to help educate and implement new materials (Smith, 2010).  The shift has not been an easy one to make, but it seems to be making inroads thanks to districts like those in Mobile County, Ala and across our nation.

How does this apply to me?

I love storytelling in its wide variety of forms:  comic books, graphic novels, radio theater, plays, films, and most importantly, as performance art.  I grew up listening to Ed Stivender, Syd Liberman, Barbara McBride Smith, David Novak, Aunt Pearly Sue, Joseph Bruchac, Carmen Agra Deedy, Donald Davis, and a host of others too numerous for my mind to count through the years.

I want to engage with my students so that they can bring their own stories (personal and imaginative) to life.  Nurturing their creative sparks helps our students engage in unique problem solving and critical thinking skills they wouldn’t normally employ except that they have gotten used to thinking outside of the box of a “typical” education through the gifts brought about by storytelling.  We should be gifting our students with the stories, and grounding them in their lives because this will help them to understand themselves and their communities.  Technology is simply another vehicle to use to bring about this understanding and engagement.





Johnston, M. P. (2012).  Connecting teacher librarians for technology integration leadership.  School Libraries Worldwide.  18(1).  pp. 18-33.

Johnston, M.P. (2012).  School librarians as technology integration leaders: enables and barriers to leadership enactment.  American Association of School Librarians. Retrieved from

Pixar in a Box | Partner content |Khan Academy. (2017). Retrieved from

Smith, D. (2010).  Making the case for the leadership role of school librarians in technology integration.  Library Hi Tech.  28(4).  pp. 617-631.  Retrieved from

Turner, D., & White, M. (2015). From Media Specialists to Digital        Literacy Leaders: Mobile County, Ala., begins a districtwide transformation to support classrooms in effective technology use.  AASA:  The School Superintendent Association:  School Administrator.  Retrieved from

SLIS 761: 21st Century Information Literacy

According to the standards created by the Association of College & Research Libraries in the article, Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, information literacy is informed by technology and digital/media.  This is illustrated in an expanded definition of information literacy (p.3)

 Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities                                      encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the                        understanding of how information is produced and valued,  and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning.

The learner’s understanding of how information is produced and valued is informed by the methods with which the information is created along with where it is shared.  The ACRL standards  explicitly state that the where and how of information will have an impact on who sees the information, and how the viewer will judge the authority of the information gathered.  The P21 Framework Definitions helped to define the intersection between technology, digital/media, and information literacy when they stated as part of the framework how a learner should, “understand both how and why media messages are constructed, and for what purposes” (p. 5).  This highlights, again, how vital understanding the vehicle information is conveyed in can alter the nature of the information and how it is shared.  The following are resources and readings included with this week’s assignment that are very helpful in teaching information literacy.

The game, Factitious, is a very entertaining, and enlightening method used to illustrate how articles found on the internet can be either real or fake news.  It trains the observer to become more discerning in checking sources, facts, and website (origin of information) to make sure the information given is legitimate.  When speaking in their podcast on Fake News & Media Literacy, The Liturgists’, had a wonderful 2-bit rap that came on in the middle and at the end of the show highlighting how gullible we can be when consuming information that we believe is factual, but is actually opinion-based.  I’m actually rather interested in reading the book featured on the blog, The Information Diet by Clay A. Johnson.

As a school media specialist, it is important that we know and understand a wide range of information resources and that we strive to incorporate kernels of information literacy into our interactions with students each day whether that be by formal presentations, casual interactions with students, or providing quality links on our school website.  Our information diet should consist of professional journals such as School Library Journal, Educational Leadership, and select variety (world wide) of news information outlets such as the BBC, Washington Post, and our local news information outlets besides popular culture news information so that we can understand student trends and concerns.

I will admit that one of my favorite sources that can be used to illustrate information literacy for our students is on the website on the database entitled, Opposing Viewpoints in Context.  This is a site that offers links to vetted information sources on a wide-variety of topics and will allow for our learners to look at a range of opinions and material on a given topic without knowing exactly who is for or against the topic until the article has been read.  It is important that we, as professionals, help to guide ourselves and our students along information avenues that provide quality sources and materials for our consumption.



Association of College and Research Libraries. (February 9, 2015). Framework for information literacy for higher education. American Library Association. 3-11.                                                                                        doi: b910a6c4-6c8a-0d44-7dbc-a5dcbd509e3f

JoLT and AU Game Lab.  Facitious:  a game that tests your news sense.  Retrieved from

Partnership for 21st Century Learning.  (May 2015).  P21 framework definitions.  Retrieved from

The Liturgists.  (March 7, 2017).  Fake news and media literacy. Retrievedfrom

SLIS 761: AASL and ISTE: Philosophy vs. Reality

Our current AASL standards begin with 6 foundations:  Inquire, Include, Collaborate, Curate, Explore, and Engage.  Each of these foundations has four different methods for manifesting the competencies:  Think, Create, Share, and Grow.  Although the ISTE standards are not explicit with those terms as headliners, you can clearly see through our crosswalk that the terminology and ideas behind our standards overlap.  For both, it is vital that we facilitate strategies that our students can become masters of their own learning.  Look under shared foundation V:  Explore under Create for the Learner (V.B.1-2) state Learners  construct new knowledge by:
1. Problem solving through cycles of design, implementation, and reflection.

2. Persisting through self-directed pursuits by tinkering and making

While the paired ISTE standards:

4. ISTE for Students: Innovative Designer
4b. Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.
5. ISTE for Students: Computational Thinker
5c. Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem solving.

What we see in both is the use of technology, but with the AASL standards, what we have is an encompassing sense of what ‘technology’ is, and is available to our students.  (Sorry, what I see when I look at our AASL standards is an applicability that can occur whether we are in a zombie apocalypse or the EMPs have finally gone off and we have no “real” technology versus…  ISTE’s version of we’re all in the Matrix and have to learn to deal with this reality.)

Collaborator and Create are, for me, the best descriptor standards for both ISTE and AASL technology standards.  The article about being a Future Ready Librarian is one in which I saw the marriage of what were standards common to ISTE and AASL professionals, and watched them expand into what I’ve seen happening in the public library sphere.  Create spaces where growing can occur in a safe, supportive environment not only for the teachers, instructors, administrators, and students; but for your greater community.  In my experience, a school is like a small-town library.  It is important that we reach beyond our walls to bring people (the greater community) inside to grow, learn, and communicate with one another.  My job is to take the raw materials of the community (school) I work in, and to fashion the components of the greater community, parents, teachers, instructors, students, and society in classic STEM style into a cohesive unit that can be decimated into understandable parts by my youngest learners.  This means I have to use what technology is available to us, and that our rural community has available.  One key component in the Future Ready Librarian model is to help build up the infrastructure, and that includes helping to get funding and raise awareness about the lack of sustainability for technology due to outdated wiring (or none at all). (You can’t have the fastest broadband internet with wiring that can barely handle DSL speeds, no?  And if you can’t handle the DSL speeds, what good is that brand new software that has to run on the fastest connection possible?)

So we have to take what technology we have to help move our school community forward, but I hazard to say that we are guardians that need to be mindful of the capacity of our communities for sustaining technological change.   We must help them manage the information and technology.  My work is as an advocate, a supporter, a connector.  That is my profession.  I nurture relationships so people can grow and become good citizens of our world, and I feel like our purpose is to take these broad ideals being laid out in the ISTE, AASL, and Future Ready Library standards and help bring them forth in a slow and steady method so as to insure greater success of achieving our grand ideals.  The Future Ready Librarian fact sheet resembles my own philosophy as a branch manager in the public library sphere (community, community, community…  and “real world applications”), and that might be why I can identify with it so well.  I feel like our best standard is to be the facilitators who help our students’ transition to the real world with the most versatile skills necessary to successfully navigate the reality of our modern world.

The reality:   There are six IT people in my district, and only one member of the school library media department at my school (me). In my school district, I am in charge of my school’s website (content and design).  While I will spend time during a professional development day walking teachers through creating their own websites with our new hosting site; the ISTE staff member is working with us during our PLC times to help teachers integrate Google Forms (or even QR codes) for our primary aged classrooms.  We had little to be territorial about in regards to training.  Also, at my school there is a Technology specialist, and her job is to monitor the students during their time in our computer labs.  In the grand scheme, I am the technology maverick:  I troubleshoot just about every technological issue that occurs on campus, but I am not trained in the curricular programs my teachers have to use with their students:  Ripple Effect, iReady curriculum, Fast Track, etc.  I know I desperately need that information if only to understand how I can help facilitate its use.

Honestly, I find myself frustrated by the lack of reality in my current situation, and the standards presented by both ISTE and AASL in regards to the influence of my position as a school media specialist on school technology and curriculum.  During my initial two years when new technology was brought into the school (or new software adopted by the district), the only input required of me was:  “Please take a look at this.  {insert ten second pause}  Now please train all staff on how to use it.”  If I was lucky I had an hour to prepare for an 7.5 hour PD day.  During our current school year, I am now being asked advice on our school technology plan:  “what are our needs?  Where should we be spending our funds?”  For the first time since I transitioned from being a branch manager to a school librarian, I feel that I understand the needs of my teachers because I am finally (mostly) familiar with their varied curriculum’s; and so I can make better informed decisions about the technological and digital needs of our students and staff.

This is where I know teachers making the transition to school library media are at an advantage in regards to being leaders in technology and education.  There is already a wealth of knowledge of trends, practices, and curricula built into the classroom teacher who will now transition to a technology professional because it means that this type of school media specialist will understand how to best collaborate and integrate ideas with their teachers in ways that they will find more palatable.


American Association of School Librarians. National Standards Crosswalk. Retrieved from

Future Ready Schools.  Unleashing the instructional leadership of librarians to foster schools that are Future Ready.  Retrieved from

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